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Cortus CIoT25

From Cortus SAS


The CIoT25 chip offers a versatile and power-efficient solution tailored for IoT applications. Integrating Cortus's matured expertise in RISC-V architecture, the CIoT25 is a strategic asset for developers aiming to deploy IoT devices that demand both cost-efficiency and non-negotiable performance. Designed for operation in the sub-1 GHz unlicensed ISM bands, this chip supports a range of industrial applications requiring reliable and long-range communication, making it ideal for sectors such as agriculture, retail, and city infrastructures.

An amalgamation of smart design and high functionality allows the CIoT25 to manage data transmission effectively while maintaining low power consumption. This capability ensures devices can remain operational in remote environments with minimal intervention. The architecture's compact instruction set enhances code density, optimizing the chip for IoT systems prioritizing swift data processing without energy drain complexities.

Cortus positions the CIoT25 as a key component for businesses investing in IoT expansion, enabling swift and efficient integration. By delivering seamless support for modern communication protocols, Cortus empowers users to innovate with confidence, ensuring that their IoT devices embody robustness and cutting-edge technology. This makes the CIoT25 a critical tool for maximizing return on IoT investments while facilitating sustainable and future-ready technological evolution.

  • RISC-V architecture
  • Sub-1 GHz ISM bands
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > USB
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Agriculture
  • Retail
  • City infrastructure systems
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