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Connected Vehicle Solutions

From KPIT Technologies


KPIT Technologies offers sophisticated connected vehicle solutions that aim to bridge the gap between in-vehicle systems and the external digital ecosystem. These solutions enhance interaction, safety, and productivity for drivers by transforming vehicle cockpits into advanced digital platforms. KPIT's expertise in automotive infotainment, connectivity, and cloud integration services establishes it as a go-to partner for top-tier automotive OEMs and suppliers.
The company provides well-researched platforms and tools that not only improve user experience but also offer innovative cockpit solutions that keep up with the fast-evolving digital consumer demands. KPIT's strength lies in its ability to integrate new technologies such as over-the-air (OTA) updates, cloud services, and data analytics seamlessly into automotive systems.
The connected vehicle solutions include UI/UX development, digital cockpit components, and robust middleware for infotainment systems. By implementing cloud integration techniques and offering thorough support for OTA systems, KPIT ensures automotive systems are always up-to-date and functionally superior.
KPIT's solutions have been widely adopted across millions of vehicles, underscoring the company's role in transforming the automotive landscape into one that is more digital, connected, and efficient. The firm's long-standing partnerships with OEMs and Tier-1 suppliers highlight the trust and reliability KPIT has earned in the automotive connectivity sector.

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Category Graphic & Peripheral > Peripheral Controller
Availability All Countries & Regions
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