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Coherent Network-on-Chip (NOC)

From SkyeChip


The Coherent Network-on-Chip (NOC) from SkyeChip is engineered for scalability and efficiency in managing memory-coherent systems. It supports ACE4, ACE5, and CHI protocols, making it versatile for a variety of high-performance interconnect applications. The NOC is thoughtfully designed to minimize routing congestion in many-core systems, facilitating high-frequency operations up to 2GHz. This solution ensures seamless integration with both source synchronous and synchronous clocking topologies and is compatible with SkyeChip's Non-Coherent NOC for enhanced partitioned interconnect capabilities, addressing the needs of modern computing across dies.

  • Scalable and efficient for coherent systems
  • Supports ACE4, ACE5, CHI protocols
  • Operates up to 2GHz
  • Integrates with SkyeChip's Non-Coherent NOC
Tech Specs
Category Network on Chip > Network on Chip
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Memory-coherent systems
  • High-performance interconnects
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