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All IPs > Processor > Vision Processor > CMNP


From Chips&Media


The CMNP IP from Chips&Media is a specialized Neural Processing Unit designed for enhancing video quality through advanced image processing. It integrates proprietary algorithms to improve depth and clarity, transforming standard video feeds into vibrant, high-definition visuals. CMNP caters to demanding applications that require real-time video enhancement, such as digital cameras and set-top boxes. Its architecture is optimized for complex convolutional neural networks, offering high efficiency at low power usage. Capable of upscaling video up to 4K resolution, it excels in tasks like super-resolution and noise reduction. CMNP is widely applicable in sectors like automotive and smart devices, where enhancing video output quality is critical. This IP provides flexibility with its programmable core, aligning with various CNN-based image processing tasks, making it indispensable for next-generation media technologies.

  • Super-resolution capability
  • Noise reduction
  • Flexible processing core
  • 16-bit arithmetic unit
Tech Specs
Category Processor > Vision Processor
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Mobile
  • IP Camera
  • Digital Camera
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