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CLX - Clock Synthesizer



The CLX clock synthesizers by SCALINX offer high-frequency N-integer PLL solutions capable of converting input frequencies from 10 MHz up to 125 MHz into output frequencies as high as 5 GHz. Built on advanced SCCORETM technology, these synthesizers are vital for applications needing precise clock generation to ensure stable and efficient data processing.

Featuring silicon-proven results on platforms like TSMC’s 40nm GS process, these synthesizers cater to high-speed and low-power applications. They are well suited for integration in systems requiring reliable, jitter-free clock signals, thus enhancing overall performance and operational reliability in both consumer electronics and communication devices.

Their design includes features such as low phase noise and low power consumption, making them an excellent choice for systems focused on energy efficiency. The CLX synthesizers provide a crucial component in designing high-performance digital circuits, facilitating seamless clock management across varied operational conditions.

  • 5GHz output frequency
  • Low phase noise
Tech Specs
Category Analog & Mixed Signal > Clock Synthesizer
Foundry TSMC
Process Node 40nm
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Consumer electronics
  • Communication devices
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