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Circuit Porting

From Thalia Design Automation


Circuit Porting (CP) is an essential element of the AMALIA suite, providing a robust solution for transferring complex IP designs across different process nodes with precision. This tool guarantees that the majority of analog, mixed-signal, and RF IP structures preserve their inherent parameters without modifications during migration. CP is renowned for shrinking design cycle times by up to 50%, making it ideal for time-sensitive projects.

Its user-centric interface ensures that even intricate circuits can be migrated swiftly and without hassle. By maintaining the original schematic placement and design plan, CP ensures reliability and integrity throughout the transition. The intelligent interface provides automatic routing that minimizes layout discrepancies, and simultaneous comparison functionalities secure the functional equivalence of migrated designs.

By integrating seamlessly with the Technology Analyzer, CP offers an unparalleled porting experience, navigating design migrations with decreased risk and elevated efficiency. The return on investment is maximized by reducing unresolved layout issues, ensuring project timelines and budgets are efficiently managed.

  • Automated mapping and analysis
  • Intuitive UI for porting
  • Simulation-ready designs
Tech Specs
Category Analog & Mixed Signal > Analog Front Ends
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Complex circuit migration
  • RF IP porting
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