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All IPs > Processor > Microcontroller > CHAMELEON


From Dolphin Design


CHAMELEON is a one-stop MCU subsystem platform developed with a focus on enabling ultra-low power operations for intelligent IoT and sensor-centric devices. The platform's architecture is uniquely event-based, supporting versatile data processing at ultra-low power levels, while allowing flexibility to switch or handle multiple CPU cores effectively.

Central to its design is the integration of a fine-grained power management unit and a machine learning booster, facilitating energy-saving operation modes while still ensuring robust performance for edge AI applications. This allows CHAMELEON to serve sectors where efficient data handling and energy conservation are paramount.

With readily available pre-verified architectures and compatibility with multiple cores including Cortex M-series processors, CHAMELEON is configured for seamless interoperability with Dolphin Design’s SPIDER power management systems. Its design toolchain supports the quick adaptation and customization according to specific application needs, thereby reducing both development costs and time-to-market latency.

  • Event-based data collection
  • Ultra-low power operation
  • Pre-verified architecture
Tech Specs
Category Processor > Microcontroller
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • IoT devices
  • Smart sensors
  • Embedded systems
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