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All IPs > Multimedia > JPEG 2000 > CCSDS 122.0 Image Data Compression IP

CCSDS 122.0 Image Data Compression IP

From Alma Technologies


This CCSDS compliant core from Alma Technologies serves as a sophisticated option for space data systems, promoting efficient data compression while managing the distinct requirements of space applications, such as minimal resource consumption and robust performance under challenging conditions. The CCSDS 122.0 IP caters to broad image data compression needs essential for mission-critical satellite operations, offering lossy and lossless options. By incorporating memory-efficient algorithms, the IP cores accommodate the demands of extended operations and long-range data transmission. These capabilities enable seamless data management across varied space-bound systems, supporting the expansive communication structures of contemporary satellite missions.

Tech Specs
Category Multimedia > JPEG 2000
Availability All Countries & Regions
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