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All IPs > Automotive > CAN-FD > CANmodule-IIx


From Inicore Inc.


The CANmodule-IIx from Inicore offers a compact yet powerful solution for systems-integration of CAN bus communication. Designed with FIFO structures for efficient message handling, this module adheres to the CAN 2.0A/B and ISO 11898-1 standards, making it a reliable interface for FPGA and ASIC-based embedded systems.

Its architecture includes a 32-depth receive FIFO and a 16-depth transmit FIFO, enhancing data management and ensuring continuous data flow without bottlenecks. The module’s versatility is further amplified through programmable interrupt capabilities and a priority message handling system that caters to both standard and high-priority transmissions. The AMBA APB interface supports seamless integration into ARM-based SoC configurations, which is critical for modern embedded systems.

The FIFO-based design is optimized for low gate counts, ensuring efficient implementation and robust performance while supporting a wide spectrum of data rates up to 1 Mbps. Additionally, various operational test modes, including loopback and listen-only modes, facilitate comprehensive debugging and testing, essential for system diagnostics and robustness.

  • ISO 11898-1 Compatible
  • 32 Messages Receive FIFO
  • 16 Messages Transmit FIFO
Tech Specs
Category Automotive > CAN-FD
Foundry All Foundries
Process Node 28nm
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Embedded Systems
  • Industrial Control
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