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All IPs > Automotive > CAN-FD > CANmodule-IIIx


From Inicore Inc.


The CANmodule-IIIx is an advanced CAN controller core designed for robust multi-message handling, suited for systems requiring expansive message object management. Compliant with ISO 11898-1 standards, this module facilitates the management of up to 32 receive and 32 transmit message buffers, each equipped with individual filters for specific data fields, making it ideal for sophisticated automotive and industrial applications.

This core integrates a comprehensive AMBA 3 APB interface, enhancing its adaptability for ARM-based system-on-chip (SoC) environments. The prioritized message arbitration and single-shot transmission capability help ensure a streamlined workflow and efficient data processing, reducing transmission errors and improving overall system reliability.

Test and debugging features such as multiple loopback modes and error capture registers allow for refined diagnostic processes, ensuring high performance during operation. The core is crafted using technology-independent HDL, allowing deployment across a spectrum of FPGA and ASIC technologies, thereby providing flexibility and forward compatibility in evolving system designs.

  • Full CAN 2.0A/B standards compliant
  • AMBA 3 APB interface
  • 32 receive buffers
  • 32 transmit buffers
Tech Specs
Category Automotive > CAN-FD
Foundry All Foundries
Process Node 28nm
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Automotive
  • Industrial Automation
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