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All IPs > Automotive > CAN-FD > CANmodule-III


From Inicore Inc.


The CANmodule-III is a comprehensive CAN controller module designed to facilitate efficient communication in systems-on-chip (SoC) configurations. Its core compliance with the ISO 11898-1 standard ensures reliability in multi-master setups, widely applicable across automotive and industrial automation sectors. Built with 16 distinct receive buffers, each featuring individual message filters, it supports detailed message validation and filtering.

The transmit component is equipped with eight buffer registers, each supporting prioritized message arbitration. This setup is optimal for applications reliant on higher layer protocols like DeviceNet and SDC. Its AMBA 3 APB interface allows seamless ARM-based SoC integration, providing full synchronous connectivity and customization flexibility. The inclusion of self-synchronous bus interfacing simplifies incorporation into broader system architectures.

To ensure error handling and debugging, the module includes a variety of support modes such as listen-only, internal and external loopback, and an SRAM test mode. This robust support structure contributes to minimizing gate-count utilization while maintaining high performance, making it suitable for diverse technology landscapes, including both ASIC and FPGA deployments.

  • Full CAN 2.0A/B compliant
  • AMBA 3 APB interface
  • 16 receive buffers
  • 8 transmit registers
Tech Specs
Category Automotive > CAN-FD
Foundry All Foundries
Process Node 28nm
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Automotive
  • Industrial Automation
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