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Cache MX

From ZeroPoint Technologies


Cache MX is a cutting-edge compression technology designed to enhance cache capacity within data centers. By utilizing sophisticated algorithms, this IP effectively doubles the cache capacity, achieving an 80% reduction in area and power compared to traditional SRAM capacities. This significant enhancement in cache capabilities ensures that data centers can operate more efficiently, handling larger data volumes without an increase in physical space or power use.

The technology behind Cache MX integrates seamlessly with existing data center architectures, providing a smooth transition to enhanced operational efficiencies. By reducing the physical and power demands on storage components, it helps to mitigate the environmental impact of data centers. The focus on sustainability does not come at the expense of performance; rather, it enhances it with increased memory handling efficiency.

Furthermore, Cache MX is engineered for scalability, allowing data centers to expand their operations without the traditional exponential increase in operating costs. This scalability is crucial in today's fast-evolving technological landscape where data growth is constant. Cache MX enables data centers to stay ahead, maintaining high performance and low operational costs simultaneously. The technology is thus ideally suited to help meet the increasing demand for data storage and processing efficiency.

  • 80% area and power savings
  • doubles cache capacity
Tech Specs
Category Memory Controller & PHY > SDRAM Controller
Availability All Countries & Regions
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