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All IPs > Interface Controller & PHY > MIPI > C-PHY


From Mixel


The Mixel C-PHY IP is a highly adaptable, high-bandwidth physical layer that uses 3-phase symbol encoding to achieve up to 5.7Gbps over its lane configuration. This low-power, low-area PHY is optimized for various applications such as mobile and IoT, utilizing MIPI’s specifications to ensure seamless interface compatibility for camera and display systems. Offering a combination of soft and hard IP views, the C-PHY stands out in its support for both high-speed data and low-power control modes, enhancing flexibility and integration in various system architectures. With support for up to three lanes per trio, this C-PHY ensures reliable data transmission even over extended distances, making it ideal for applications requiring high-performance end-to-end communication.

  • High-frequency operation
  • Low-power design
  • 3-phase symbol encoding
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > MIPI
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Camera Serial Interface
  • Display Serial Interface
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