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From Ceva, Inc.


The BX2 baseband processor from Ceva is a highly programmable and versatile hybrid DSP capable of handling a wide array of signal processing and control workloads. It integrates seamlessly with diverse applications, ranging from high-performance computing devices to embedded systems, providing a balanced mix of DSP power and control flexibility.

Ceva's BX2 provides a robust solution for audio processing, wireless communications, and general-purpose DSP applications. It boasts high-level programmability which allows developers to tailor processing capabilities to specific project needs, enhancing both efficiency and performance.

The processor also facilitates easy integration into existing hardware architectures, empowering developers to innovate without the constraint of reconfiguring their system designs significantly. Its capacity to manage extensive computing tasks while maintaining low energy consumption makes it a preferred choice for battery-powered applications, ensuring enhanced performance without compromising on longevity.

  • Hybrid DSP architecture
  • Programmability
  • Low energy consumption
Tech Specs
Category Processor > Processor Cores
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Audio Processing
  • Wireless Communications
  • Embedded Systems
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