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Bus Bridges

From Agnisys, inc.


Various bus types of protocols are available and employed in many applications, all of which require a bridge to operate safely and without loss of data. SoC is essentially a system made up of components and their interconnections. Recently, the development of SoC chips with reusable IP cores has received more attention due to their lower cost and shorter time to market. The communication between the several IP cores should be lossless and designer-friendly.

Soft IP
  • Synthesizable RTL
  • Verilog integration testbench
  • Datasheet
  • Hardware user guide
  • IDesignSpec tool to configure
  • Independent read and write channels.
  • Synchronous or asynchronous reset type.
  • Data Latency or wait states.
Tech Specs
Category Bus Bridges
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • AI
  • Mobile
  • Autonomous Technology
  • Research & Science and Engineering Services and AI
  • Military & Aerospace
  • Information & Technology
  • Semiconductor Industry
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