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All IPs > Wireless Communication > Bluetooth > Bluetooth LE 5.2

Bluetooth LE 5.2

From Low Power Futures


This IP involves an area and power-optimized configuration which adheres to the latest Bluetooth Low Energy 5.2 specifications. It facilitates data rates of 1Mbps and 2Mbps, including coded PHY options, while offering features like direction finding, link supervision, and built-in security measures. This product targets applications requiring optimal energy efficiency, such as low energy audio or devices needing precise location-based services. With BLE capabilities, this IP enables devices to maintain connectivity with minimal energy usage, making it essential for IoT applications where battery longevity is crucial.

  • Area and power optimization
  • Latest BLE specifications compliant
  • Built-in security
Tech Specs
Category Wireless Communication > Bluetooth
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Smart sensors
  • Industrial IoT
  • Low power audio
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