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All IPs > Graphic & Peripheral > Clock Generator > Bluetooth Digital Clock - Levo Series

Bluetooth Digital Clock - Levo Series

From IPclock


The Bluetooth Digital Clock - Levo Series is a state-of-the-art synchronization device, utilizing Bluetooth connectivity to offer precise timekeeping solutions. Designed for modern environments, its sleek and compact build is complemented by advanced technology that allows easy networking and integration within existing systems. This digital clock is perfect for locations where wireless features and modern aesthetics are preferred.\n\nThrough Bluetooth technology, installation becomes a hassle-free process, providing the flexibility to position clocks optimally without the constraints of cables. It allows users to manage clock settings seamlessly, ensuring consistent accuracy across all devices. This feature is particularly beneficial in dynamic settings such as educational and healthcare facilities where timing precision is crucial.\n\nMoreover, the Levo Series boasts high visibility with its clear LED display, making it easily readable in various lighting conditions. Its design facilitates easy installation, maintenance, and integration, making it a cost-effective solution for institutions prioritizing synchronized time management and operational efficiency.

  • Bluetooth connectivity
  • LED display
  • Compact design
Tech Specs
Category Graphic & Peripheral > Clock Generator
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Healthcare facility management
  • Educational institution time synchronization
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