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All IPs > Wireless Communication > Bluetooth > Bluetooth 5.2 Dual Mode

Bluetooth 5.2 Dual Mode

From Low Power Futures


This IP provides a dual-mode implementation of the contemporary Bluetooth 5.2 specifications. By integrating both Bluetooth Low Energy and Bluetooth Basic Rate/Enhanced Data Rate functionalities, it offers advanced features such as secure link supervision and support for various audio formats. With a strong focus on compact integration, it suits applications that demand seamless connection across multiple devices and environments. This solution is especially beneficial for audio products, like earbuds and hearing aids, that require consistent and efficient connectivity.

  • Dual Mode Bluetooth 5.2
  • Built-in security and supervision
  • Audio format compatibility
Tech Specs
Category Wireless Communication > Bluetooth
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Low power audio devices
  • Wearable tech
  • Automotive connectivity
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