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BCH Error Correcting Code ECC

From Secantec, Inc.


The BCH Error Correcting Code ECC is an advanced system for error detection and correction, employing sophisticated Galois Field techniques. With this IP, encoding and decoding are executed asynchronously, ensuring zero latency. Engineered for scenarios demanding low power and minimal hardware usage, it uses gate-level logic without relying on stochastic processes or clocked sequences.

Configurability is a highlight of the BCH ECC, with end-users able to determine parameters related to the number of errors correctable and specific code attributes like bit shortness. This flexibility allows it to handle varying error rates, adapting to different system requirements. Such properties make it a preferred choice for systems where adaptability is key, particularly in storage solutions or sensitive communications.

The applications span a variety of fields, from high-speed optical communications and SSD controllers to in-situ memory repair in ASIC architectures. The ability to predict uncorrectable errors further enhances system reliability, making the BCH ECC indispensable in maintaining high data integrity across broad technology ecosystems.

  • Zero latency
  • Configurable for error symbols
  • Asynchronous operation
Tech Specs
Category Security IP > Cryptography Cores
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • SSD Controllers
  • Optical Communication
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