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From Dolphin Design


The BAT audio platform from Dolphin Design is an advanced IP suite tailored for the creation of high-performance audio solutions. Catering mainly to smart speakers, hearables, and IoT applications, BAT encompasses a set of high-fidelity analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters (ADC/DAC) along with advanced audio codecs that exceed traditional power and performance metrics.

BAT features integrated Voice Activity Detection (VAD) capabilities, distinguishing it as a suitable technology for applications demanding always-on audio processing. With a focus on configurable and adaptable digital processing mechanisms, BAT ensures seamless integration and assembly of audio devices yielding shortened time-to-market cycles and fortified performance robustness.

Its configurability extends to supporting varied applications, encouraging limitless customization for reduced component power consumption while preserving sound quality at its peak. Whether it is a MEMS microphone, digital signal processing, or supporting analog and digital microphone inputs, BAT's suite is equipped with tailored solutions for a variety of audio-related challenges.

  • HiFi audio performance
  • Low power consumption
  • Advanced VAD capability
Tech Specs
Category Multimedia > ADPCM
Foundry TSMC
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Smart speakers
  • Wearables
  • Voice-activated devices
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