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All IPs > Processor > IoT Processor > BA51




The BA51 represents an ultra-low-power, deeply embedded processor core within the RISC-V family. It is engineered to support a wide range of applications requiring minimal power consumption without compromising on performance. This core is particularly useful for wearables, mobile devices, and other consumer electronics that demand prolonged battery life.

Aligning with modern efficiency requirements, the BA51 utilizes a streamlined RISC-V architecture, structured for quick execution and high efficiency. Its performance capabilities rival those of more power-hungry processors while maintaining a frugal energy footprint, which is crucial for portable devices operating under energy constraints.

The processor is bolstered by a breadth of development tools, ensuring ease in embedding it into a variety of systems. Its flexible deployment can enhance both simple and complex tasks, making it a versatile choice for engineers prioritizing power efficiency. The BA51 is an optimal choice for projects seeking to balance power usage and performance, maintaining operations across extensive periods without frequent recharges.

  • Ultra-low-power design
  • RISC-V architecture
  • High efficiency
Tech Specs
Category Processor > IoT Processor
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Wearables
  • Mobile devices
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