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BA20 PipelineZero Embedded Processor

From Beyond Semiconductor


Beyond Semiconductor's BA20 PipelineZero Embedded Processor is engineered for straightforward integration into various applications, emphasizing efficiency and low power consumption. This processor is particularly useful for environments where power efficiency is as critical as performance, such as portable and handheld devices.

The BA20 embraces a streamlined architecture that optimizes speed and energy use, enabling longer operation times without sacrificing computational capabilities. As an embedded processor, it offers versatility and adaptability, making it a preferred choice for developers looking to incorporate smart technology into compact devices.

With its reduced pipeline design, the BA20 Embedded Processor minimizes processing delays, ensuring real-time responsiveness and enhanced operational performance. Its adaptability extends to various applications, from sensor networks to real-time data processing, highlighting its capacity as a reliable processor for next-generation technology.

  • Low power consumption
  • Streamlined architecture
  • Real-time responsiveness
Tech Specs
Category Processor > Microcontroller
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Portable devices
  • Handheld technology
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