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AXI4 DMA Controller

From Digital Blocks


The AXI4 DMA Controller, known as DB-DMAC-MC-AXI4, excels at managing multiple concurrent data transfers, offering 1 to 16 independent channels. It is optimized for high throughput, compatible with both small and large data sets, and supports a range of AXI data widths from 8 to 1024 bits. The controller features independent DMA read and write channels, allowing for flexible source and destination pairing, and includes scatter-gather linked-list control for effective data management. This DMA controller is ideal for high-performance systems, providing sophisticated data transfer features with minimal overhead.

  • Independent DMA Read/Write Controllers
  • Scatter-Gather Control
  • User-Programmed AXI Burst Support
  • AXI Data Width Options
Tech Specs
Category Graphic & Peripheral > DMA Controller
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
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