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All IPs > Interface Controller & PHY > AMBA AHB / APB/ AXI > AXI Bridge with DMA for PCIe

AXI Bridge with DMA for PCIe

From Smartlogic GmbH


The AXI Bridge with DMA for PCIe is Smartlogic's premier PCIe DMA IP solution, providing an impressive blend of multiple standard-compliant AXI interfaces. It facilitates continuous data streaming between FPGA and host or vice versa through AXI Stream interfaces, and S-AXI Memory Mapped interfaces simplify remote memory access for shared or peer-to-peer applications. These interfaces operate concurrently without interference, with each unused interface capable of being disabled to save logical resources. Developers can create complex PCIe endpoints without deep PCIe protocol knowledge; users handle only payload data, while a robust kernel mode driver for Windows and Linux ensures easy software integration. This feature-rich IP core significantly eases the development of Ethernet applications and other high-performance data streaming tasks.

  • Supports up to 4 AXI4 interfaces
  • Kernel mode driver for Windows/Linux
  • Disable unused interfaces
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > AMBA AHB / APB/ AXI
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Ethernet applications
  • Data streaming
  • PCIe endpoint development
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