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AUTOSAR & Adaptive AUTOSAR Solutions

From KPIT Technologies


KPIT's contributions to AUTOSAR (Automotive Open System Architecture) are geared towards providing robust and scalable software platform solutions across vehicle electronics systems. Their AUTOSAR offerings span classic and adaptive platforms, which are pivotal in high-performance computing and real-time critical ECUs.
Their KSAR Classic platform offers ASIL-D certified solutions that encompass base software stack needed for safety-critical applications, supporting a wide range of automotive applications with integrated configuration and code generation tools. Meanwhile, KSAR Adaptive introduces a service-oriented architecture suitable for high-compute environments, aligning with modern needs for flexibility and high performance.
KPIT also extends software integration services that encompass over two decades of experience, providing domain-specific solutions that integrate seamlessly with their AUTOSAR stack. Such offerings are essential for ensuring system reliability, cybersecurity, and regulatory compliance, affirming the company's role as a leader in vehicle software architecture.
The partnership with various OEMs and industry consortiums reinforces KPIT's influence and capabilities in establishing standardized software solutions across the automotive industry. Their commitment to sustaining and advancing AUTOSAR technology demonstrates a forward-thinking approach that keeps pace with evolving vehicular demands.

Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > AMBA AHB / APB/ AXI
Availability All Countries & Regions
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