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Automotive IP

From Silvaco


The company's Automotive IP offerings are crafted for reliable, high-performance integration into vehicle networks, ensuring that automotive designs meet stringent industry standards. Silvaco provides a suite of controllers supporting In-Vehicle Network (IVN) standards, including FlexCAN and CAN-FD, which are pivotal for modern automotive communication protocols.

For system-on-chip (SoC) designs, Silvaco's Automotive IP suite includes necessary cores, subsystems, and peripherals. Products such as the Quad and Octal SPI, UART, and DMA controllers are included to facilitate comprehensive SoC configurations, enhancing the efficiency and security of automotive designs.

Moreover, for advanced mobility applications, products like I3C controllers and targets extend support to include even more complex automotive use-cases. These IPs are designed with compliance to standards in mind, ensuring seamless integration and robust performance within diverse automotive electronics.

  • FlexCAN with CAN-FD
  • Quad/Octal SPI
  • I3C controllers and targets
Tech Specs
Category Automotive > CAN-FD
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Automotive networks
  • IoT applications
  • Advanced mobility systems
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