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Automotive AI Inference SoC

From Cortus SAS


Cortus's Automotive AI Inference SoC is a powerful component at the crossroads of artificial intelligence and automotive technology. Engineered with RISC-V architecture expertise, this chip is poised to transform ADAS (Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems) by providing a cost-effective yet highly efficient AI processing solution. It has been designed to handle complex image processing and inference tasks akin to what Level 4 autonomous driving specifications demand, leveraging a power-efficient architecture to meet stringent automotive operational requirements.

The chip features a 1.5 GHz core with 48 DLTOPS, designed on a 22nm process node, which significantly enhances its ability to execute teraflop operations while maintaining operational efficiency. This balance allows automotive developers to integrate advanced driver assistance without compromising the vehicle's overall performance and power budget, making it suitable for current mid-range car markets targeting enhanced driver support systems.

By adopting this SoC, automakers can efficiently elevate their vehicle offerings to include state-of-the-art driver assistance, significantly reducing time to market and boosting competitiveness. Its optimization for Yolo-class image algorithms ensures it is at the cutting edge of usage in urban environments, offering smart, responsive driving capabilities necessary for the next generation of automotive innovation.

  • 1.5 GHz core
  • 48 DLTOPS
  • RISC-V architecture
  • 22nm
Tech Specs
Category Processor > CPU
Process Node 22nm
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • ADAS
  • Urban AI applications
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