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All IPs > Multimedia > Audio Interfaces > ASRC-Pro


From Coreworks, S.A.


The ASRC-Pro is an advanced 24-bit audio sample rate converter, designed to achieve superior audio clarity with a -130dB THD+N specification. Specifically geared for professional-grade audio processing, this IP core is capable of handling multiple audio channels synchronously, providing high fidelity in scenarios that require precise and clear audio output.

Ideal for complex audio processing environments, the ASRC-Pro supports asynchronous sample rate conversion across various sample rates, ensuring comprehensive compatibility with a wide range of audio equipment. This functionality simplifies integration into professional audio systems where varying sample rates are common, such as in broadcast and studio settings. The ASRC-Pro's architecture is engineered to maintain audio integrity through efficient and precise conversion processes.

The ASRC-Pro is optimized for demanding audio environments, emphasizing low distortion and high performance. Its integration capacity is structured to support extensive audio channel requirements, making it an invaluable component in high-performance audio interfaces, professional audio mixers, and audio broadcasting systems. The ASRC-Pro facilitates a broader scope of applications by leveraging its advanced technological framework to assure top-level audio quality and synchronization.

  • 24-bit processing
  • -130dB THD+N
  • Multi-channel support
Tech Specs
Category Multimedia > Audio Interfaces
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Professional audio processing
  • Broadcast audio systems
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