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All IPs > Multimedia > Audio Interfaces > ASRC-Lite


From Coreworks, S.A.


The ASRC-Lite is a 16-bit audio sample rate converter aimed at facilitating high-quality audio processing with its notable -90dB THD+N performance. This IP core is designed to efficiently handle multiple audio channels, ensuring seamless synchronization among different digital audio equipment operating on varying sample rates. Its robust architecture is tailored to deliver consistent audio quality while maintaining optimal processing efficiency.

This IP core supports asynchronous sample rate conversion, which is critical in environments where audio data needs to be aligned despite discrepancies in originating sample rates. This capability is crucial for streaming applications and audio recording setups that require precise audio alignment and conversion in real-time. Additionally, the ASRC-Lite's compact design ensures minimal resource footprint, which is advantageous for ASIC and FPGA implementations desiring efficient resource utilization.

Optimized for both low-frequency and low-power applications, the ASRC-Lite provides a scalable solution that can be adapted for various audio systems. Its adaptability and efficiency make it suitable for use in consumer electronics, professional audio equipment, and broadcast audio processing, delivering reliable performance across diverse application areas.

  • 16-bit processing
  • -90dB THD+N
  • Multi-channel support
Tech Specs
Category Multimedia > Audio Interfaces
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Audio streaming
  • Recording setups
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