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All IPs > Interface Controller & PHY > AMBA AHB / APB/ AXI > ARINC 818 IP Core

ARINC 818 IP Core

From Logic Fruit Technologies


The ARINC 818 IP Core is a crucial asset for avionic applications, enabling data transmission in compliance with ARINC 818-2 standards. This IP core streamlines the integration of video and data communication, enhancing interoperability in complex avionic environments. It supports high-speed data rates, ensuring efficient and reliable communication across devices. Additionally, the core’s design is optimized for seamless adaptation to emerging technologies, providing scalability for future modifications and upgrades.

  • High-speed data rates
  • Scalability for future technologies
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > AMBA AHB / APB/ AXI
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Avionics
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