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All IPs > Interface Controller & PHY > SAS > ARINC 429 IP


From Logic Design Solutions


ARINC 429 IP from Logic Design Solutions is engineered for advanced communication systems, providing reliable and standardized data transmission in avionics. This IP is designed to comply with ARINC 429 protocol specifications, ensuring compatibility and performance across aviation communication networks.

It integrates seamlessly into aircraft systems, delivering precise data exchange while maintaining high efficiency and low power consumption. The IP is adaptable for both receiver and transmitter functionalities, equipped with error detection and correction capabilities to enhance data integrity during transmission.

Ideal for deployment in complex avionics systems, the ARINC 429 IP supports extensive application scenarios, reinforcing system resilience and reliability. Its modular architecture makes it easy to integrate with different system configurations, providing flexible solutions for modern aircraft data networks.

  • Standardized data transmission
  • Low power consumption
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > SAS
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Avionics systems
  • Aircraft data networks
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