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Aries fgOTN Processors

From Tera-Pass


The Aries fgOTN Processors align with ITU-T G.709.20 standards, delivering advanced processing capabilities for fgOTN configurations. Designed to handle various client-side signals such as E1/T1, FE/GE, and STM1/4, these processors perform essential alarm and performance monitoring tasks. Additionally, they support flexible rate-limiting for Ethernet signals. By mapping client signals into fgODUflex containers and subsequently multiplexing them, the Aries processors achieve efficient traffic aggregation for OTN lines. This makes them particularly suited for edge applications in next-generation optical networking, where processing efficiency is paramount.

Tech Specs
Category Wireline Communication > Ethernet
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Next-generation optical networking
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