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Application Specific AFE IP

From Omni Design Technologies


Omni Design's Application-Specific Analog Front End (AFE) IPs are engineered to address the unique demands of sectors requiring refined precision in RF/analog interfaces. These AFEs incorporate top-tier data conversion capabilities combined with finely-tuned signal conditioning elements, aiming to elevate system performance in applications such as LiDAR, RADAR, and telecommunication networks. Available from 28nm up to the most advanced FinFET processes, these solutions are fully adaptable to diverse front-end technologies and use cases. Engineered to utilize Omni's leading Swift™ data converters, these AFEs warrant high-frequency adaptability and low power usage to maximize efficiency and throughput. Their design means they are well-suited for high-performance electronics where seamless data flow from analog to digital domains is a priority, ensuring high accuracy in signal processing and reducing overall system energy demands.

  • Integrated signal conditioning
  • Supports high-frequency adaptation
  • Seamless integration of analog and digital domains
Tech Specs
Category Analog & Mixed Signal > Analog Front Ends
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • LiDAR
  • Telecommunication networks
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