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All IPs > Wireline Communication > Ethernet > Apodis OTN Processors

Apodis OTN Processors

From Tera-Pass


The Apodis OTN Processors are state-of-the-art ITU-T compliant devices designed to handle a diverse set of network processing tasks. These processors are equipped to terminate, process, and switch OTN signals with high proficiency. They enable seamless integration by mapping SONET/SDH, Ethernet, SAN, Video, InfiniBand, and CPRI signals to OTN, thus supporting versatile network configurations. Supporting up to 16 client-side ports and 4 line-side 10G OTN ports, the Apodis processors facilitate a full duplex bandwidth capacity reaching 40G, making them pivotal for extensive data networks. An intrinsic non-blocking OTN switching fabric ensures flexible switching options across client and line ports, empowering high-bandwidth applications like wireless backhaul or optical networking with exceptional efficiency.

Tech Specs
Category Wireline Communication > Ethernet
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Wireless backhaul
  • Optical networking
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