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All IPs > Interface Controller & PHY > AMBA AHB / APB/ AXI > APB4 Multiplexer

APB4 Multiplexer

From Roa Logic BV


The APB4 Multiplexer IP allows a single APB4 Master to engage with numerous APB4 Slave peripherals via a unified bus, enhancing versatility in peripheral interactions within a system. The multiplexer harmonizes multiple communication lines, ensuring data integrity and operational efficiency.

Engineered for seamless integration, it simplifies the development process for systems requiring multiple peripheral components. The IP is highly effective for designing microcontroller units and other embedded systems demanding precise, reliable data handling capabilities.

Incorporating this multiplexer assesses and optimizes data communication pathways to minimize bottlenecks. It embodies Roa Logic's commitment to flexible, scalable solutions that adapt to the evolving requirements of complex electronic projects.

  • Enables single master communication with multiple slaves
  • Streamlines peripheral interactions
Tech Specs
Category Interface Controller & PHY > AMBA AHB / APB/ AXI
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Embedded systems
  • Microcontroller designs
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