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AndeSoft SW Stack

From Andes Technology


The AndeSoft SW Stack is a rich library of software components that provide robust support for developing applications on AndesCore processors. By leveraging the AndeSight IDE, developers can utilize an array of pre-verified components ranging from operating systems and middleware to extensive application frameworks.

Designed to accelerate the development process, AndeSoft enables faster time-to-market by offering building blocks essential for smart devices and IoT applications. The stack provides access to a variety of open source and certified software from Andes partners, ensuring flexibility and high-quality standards for a range of development environments.

Additionally, the software components within the stack are optimized to align with specific processor configurations, enhancing compatibility and performance across multiple hardware platforms. With comprehensive support for various protocols and APIs, AndeSoft offers unparalleled adaptability for the creation of versatile and efficient solutions.

  • Flexible software stack
  • Open source options
  • Quick time-to-market
  • Middleware and frameworks
Tech Specs
Category Graphic & Peripheral > Peripheral Controller
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • IoT
  • 5G
  • Wearables
  • Networking
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