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AndeSight IDE

From Andes Technology


AndeSight IDE is a comprehensive Integrated Development Environment designed to maximize productivity for developers working with AndesCore processors. This Eclipse-based IDE offers distinct versions including the standard edition, RDS, and a lite version, covering a wide array of development needs from high-performance to more minimalistic setups for IoT projects.

With features such as refined user interfaces, efficient coding, and debugging tools, AndeSight fosters a seamless development experience. Its robust support for code profiling, performance analysis, and advanced debugging allows developers to refine and optimize their projects effectively. AndeSight also incorporates a wide range of tools including a compiler, linker, and simulator, providing a cohesive environment where software and hardware design converge.

Furthermore, the IDE supports co-designing of hardware and software, facilitating integration and execution across diverse hardware configurations. Additional support for RTOS awareness and copilot functionalities extend the capabilities of AndeSight, making it an invaluable resource in developing applications that are efficient, robust, and tailored to specific business needs.

  • Eclipse-based environment
  • IDE for embedded applications
  • Optimized compilers
  • Comprehensive debugging tools
Tech Specs
Category Graphic & Peripheral > Peripheral Controller
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Automotive
  • Networking
  • AI
  • IoT
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