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AndeShape Platforms

From Andes Technology


AndeShape platforms offer a suite of development tools optimized for designing with AndesCore processors. These platforms are divided into four main categories, each targeting specific development needs to streamline the design process. Products like the IPAE210P and AE300 provide generic platform IP for microcontroller and scalable SoC applications, respectively, ensuring that developers can integrate these tools into various hardware environments.

Notably, AndeShape provides pre-integrated solutions with models like AE250 and AE350, both utilizing AHB and AXI fabric packages. The AE350, in particular, is equipped to handle larger applications, integrating with Andes' 25, 27, and 45 series processors. These platforms simplify the journey from concept to execution by minimizing the complexity associated with system integration and execution.

In addition to traditional design platforms, AndeShape also encompasses development platforms based on FPGA technology. Such platforms, including the ADP-Corvette series, are Arduino-compatible, offering flexibility and adaptability for various IoT applications. These platforms extend the capabilities of AndesCore processors, providing a comprehensive toolkit for embedded system development.

  • Development platform tools
  • Integration with AndesCore
  • Scalable applications
  • FPGA based evaluation kits
Tech Specs
Category Platform Level IP > Processor Core Independent
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • IoT
  • Networking
  • Wearables
  • SSD
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