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AndesCore Processors

From Andes Technology


The AndesCore processors consist of a versatile lineup of 32-bit and 64-bit CPU cores engineered for cutting-edge applications in emerging markets. Designed around the AndeStar V5 instruction set architecture and compliant with RISC-V standards, these processors offer a variety of solutions for diverse requirements. The compact series, featuring cores like the N22, are tailored for low power consumption and high performance, reaching benchmarks like 3.95 Coremark/MHz. This series emphasizes efficiency with a streamlined 2-stage pipeline for optimal operation.

For enhanced design capabilities, the 25 and 27 series boast a 5-stage pipeline configuration, offering high frequency and performance efficiency. The 25 series, which includes models like the AX25 and AX25MP, supports multicore configurations and cache management systems to ensure coherent data processing. The advanced architecture allows these processors to accommodate high throughput requirements efficiently.

The advanced 45 and 65 series incorporate dual-issue and out-of-order 8-stage and 13-stage pipelines, respectively. These series underscore Andes Technology's commitment to sophisticated processor design, supporting complex computations with vector processing units ideal for uses in scientific computing, multimedia processing, and machine learning. Innovations like MemBoost, coherence management, and vectored interrupt controllers enhance these cores, making them suitable for demanding technical landscapes.

  • High performance CPU cores
  • RISC-V compliance
  • Custom extension support
  • Low power operation
Tech Specs
Category Processor > Processor Cores
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • 5G
  • AI
  • Automotive
  • IoT
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