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Analog to Digital Converter IP

From Omni Design Technologies


The Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) IP offerings from Omni Design are tailored for high-speed, ultra-low-power applications across multiple advanced sectors. These ADC IPs, leveraging Omni's trademark Swift™ technology, are engineered for use in cutting-edge domains such as 5G networks, automotive Ethernet, and RADAR and LiDAR systems. They provide a wide resolution range from 6 to 14 bits and support sample rates from as low as 5 MS/s to over 100 GS/s. These features make them highly versatile, suitable for high-performance communication systems which demand minimal spurious frequency components and optimal spectral clarity. Designed for seamless integration, these ADCs include built-in calibration and can work efficiently across a variety of process nodes from 28 nm to advanced FinFET technologies, supporting multiple configurations like I/Q ADCs or multi-channel arrays. With a compact footprint and robust integration capabilities, these IPs facilitate premium performance while ensuring the minimalistic spatial footprint, a crucial requirement in modern digital signal processing operations.

  • High-speed conversion
  • Ultra-low power
  • Built-in calibration
  • Configurable I/Q ADCs
Tech Specs
Category Analog & Mixed Signal > A/D Converter
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • 5G
  • Automotive ethernet
  • LiDAR
  • Image sensors
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