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Analog I/O

From Certus Semiconductor


Certus Semiconductor offers Analog I/O solutions that focus on ultra-low capacitance and exceptional electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection. Designed for precision and integrity, these solutions minimize impact on impedance and signal integrity, critical for sensitive RF and high-speed SerDes applications. The Analog I/O products integrate seamlessly into RF networks, offering robust performance with minimal interference.

These solutions come with features such as protection from extreme ESD levels and temperature resilience, able to operate in conditions exceeding 200°C. Certus's Analog I/O includes comprehensive voltage tolerance, allowing them to handle signal swings below ground without compromising on performance.

Furthermore, the integrated protection layers cover high dBm RF interfaces, ensuring stability and reliability in demanding environments. These capabilities make Certus's Analog I/O an ideal choice for applications requiring stringent ESD protection and precise analog signal processing.

  • Ultra-low capacitance
  • Impedance matching
  • High voltage tolerance
  • High temperature resilience
Tech Specs
Category Graphic & Peripheral > Input/Output Controller
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • RF networks
  • SerDes applications
  • Industrial sensors
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