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All IPs > Processor > CPU > Akida Neural Processor IP

Akida Neural Processor IP

From BrainChip


The Akida neural processor IP is a groundbreaking solution, touted as BrainChip's first-to-market digital neuromorphic processor. It emulates the human brain, processing only essential sensor inputs at the point of acquisition. This technology remarkably reduces latency, boosts precision, and significantly lowers power consumption compared to traditional methods.

One of the IP's most compelling features is its ability to keep AI/ML tasks local, eliminating the need for cloud dependency while enhancing data security and privacy. Designed for both inference and on-chip learning at the edge, Akida offers a fully customizable event-based AI neural processor. Its scalable architecture supports up to 256 nodes connected via a mesh network, and each node comprises four Neural Network Layer Engines with configurable SRAM. This allows the processor to adjust dynamically for either convolutional or fully connected operations.

Moreover, the processor is event-driven, meaning it utilizes data sparsity in activations and weights, drastically cutting down operations. This nature allows for efficient processing across various applications without the energy demands of a typical neural network accelerator, making it an optimal choice for high-speed, low-power computing needs.

  • Neuromorphic processing
  • Event-based AI
Tech Specs
Category Processor > CPU
Foundry TSMC
Process Node 28nm
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Edge AI
  • On-device learning
  • Sensor data processing
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