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Akida 2nd Generation

From BrainChip


BrainChip's Akida 2nd Generation is an enhanced version of their pioneering neuromorphic technology, designed to support a wider range of complex network models through advanced event-based processing. This iteration adds significant features such as 8-bit support for weights and activations, improving both energy efficiency and computational accuracy.

The 2nd Generation builds upon the foundational Akida technology by expanding its capabilities for more sophisticated applications without increasing the need for cloud reliance. It is set to bring remarkable improvements in the deployment of intelligent applications across a variety of edge devices, supporting crucial functionalities like vision transformers and temporal event-based neural networks (TENNs).

This platform is versatile and scalable, enabling processing across 1 to 128 nodes. Its design prioritizes privacy and security by ensuring that sensitive data remains on-device. Its unique advantage lies in reducing model storage requirements and offers increased operational efficiency, catering to the diverse needs of industries like automotive, healthcare, and industrial IoT.

  • Event-based processing
  • Vision transformers
  • 8-bit quantization
Tech Specs
Category Processor > CPU
Foundry TSMC
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Automotive
  • Healthcare
  • Industrial IoT
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