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All IPs > Graphic & Peripheral > Timer/Watchdog > AHB-Lite Timer

AHB-Lite Timer

From Roa Logic BV


Compliant with the RISC-V Privileged 1.9.1 specification, the AHB-Lite Timer IP offers precise timing solutions needed for various time-sensitive applications. Designed with flexibility in mind, this module provides the necessary timing controls pivotal for reliable system performance.

Ideal for systems that rely on periodic task executions and concurrent processing operations, this timer module ensures accurate timing services. It accommodates diverse timer configurations, meeting the distinct requirements prevalent in modern embedded designs.

Providing superior synchronization capabilities, the AHB-Lite Timer is adaptable across broad FPGA and ASIC designs. Comprehensive manuals and implementation guides offered by Roa Logic further simplify its integration, aligning with the evolving demands of sophisticated timing functions in electronics projects.

  • Compliant with RISC-V Privileged 1.9.1
  • Flexible timing solutions
Tech Specs
Category Graphic & Peripheral > Timer/Watchdog
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Time-sensitive systems
  • Periodic task execution
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