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AHB-Lite Memory

From Roa Logic BV


The AHB-Lite Memory IP is a fully parameterized component that provides high-performance on-chip memory access to an AHB-Lite-based master. This IP facilitates the seamless integration of on-chip memory in systems requiring efficient data storage solutions.

Designed for scalability, this memory IP can be configured to suit varied memory requirements, making it suitable for several application areas. Its architecture ensures that data transfers occur with utmost speed and reliability, essential for time-critical applications in demanding environments.

Aided by Roa Logic's detailed documentation and support, integration of the AHB-Lite Memory is streamlined, ensuring it complements an array of system architectures. This IP empowers designers to tailor memory configurations to their specific needs, optimizing performance across both FPGA and ASIC development platforms.

  • Fully parameterized
  • On-chip memory access
  • Optimized for speed
Tech Specs
Category Memory & Logic Library > Embedded Memories
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Time-critical applications
  • Data-centric systems
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