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AGX - Programmable Gain Amplifier



The AGX series of programmable gain amplifiers from SCALINX is engineered to accommodate applications requiring variable amplification with high precision. This family of amplifiers is designed with a gain range from 14 dB to 40 dB, offering bandwidth capabilities extending to 300 MHz.

By utilizing SCCORETM technology, the AGX amplifiers are capable of providing both broad flexibility and high fidelity, making them suitable for dynamic applications where signal integrity and customization are paramount. These amplifiers are tailored for seamless integration into various systems demanding precise gain control for optimal performance across diverse signal environments.

From communication platforms to instrumentation and control systems, AGX amplifiers ensure that signal paths can be continuously adjusted to meet specific operational requirements. Their integration into complex systems is facilitated by compatibility with standard process technologies, enabling ease of adoption across multiple development environments.

  • Gain range 14-40 dB
  • Bandwidth 300 MHz
Tech Specs
Category Analog & Mixed Signal > Amplifier
Foundry TSMC
Process Node 40nm
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • Communication platforms
  • Instrumentation systems
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