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All IPs > Security IP > Cryptography Cores > AES Encrypt/Decrypt 128/192/256

AES Encrypt/Decrypt 128/192/256

From Secantec, Inc.


The AES Encrypt/Decrypt IP provides advanced encryption and decryption capabilities for secure communications. This IP module supports 128, 192, and 256 bit encryption standards, ensuring a high level of data protection suitable for many sensitive applications. Leveraging Galois Field computations, the module achieves both high performance and low power consumption characteristics.

What sets this AES IP apart is its parallel key calculation and data encryption process. By running key computations simultaneously with data operations, it significantly reduces the number of required clock cycles, thus enhancing efficiency. This parallel design applies equally to both encryption and decryption operations, making it highly efficient for systems where time and resource management are critical.

Designed for ease of integration, the IP runs fully verified RTL code and is delivered clean and ready for deployment. Applications demanding high security, such as financial transactions and secure communications, benefit greatly from its robust encryption capabilities, ensuring data confidentiality and integrity.

  • Low latency
  • Run-time programmable modes
  • Parallel key computation
Tech Specs
Category Security IP > Cryptography Cores
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • High security communications
  • Secure data transfers
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