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All IPs > Analog & Mixed Signal > DLL > Aeonic Integrated Droop Response System

Aeonic Integrated Droop Response System

From Movellus


Movellus introduces the Aeonic Integrated Droop Response System, engineered to optimize power savings by managing voltage droop and enhancing DVFS capabilities in SoCs. Embedded with high-speed detection and response mechanisms, this turnkey solution supports droop mitigation with significant impact on power efficiency and system reliability. The system also includes advanced observation capabilities for generating droop-specific telemetry, which is critical for silicon health management. Its design ensures compatibility and scaling across different process technologies, providing architects with a robust tool for efficient power and performance management in modern integrated circuits.

  • Multi-threshold droop detection
  • Process portable
  • High-speed response
  • APB & JTAG interfaces
Tech Specs
Category Analog & Mixed Signal > DLL
Foundry All Foundries
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • SoCs
  • Integrated circuits
  • DVFS systems
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