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ADX (Continuous-Time ΔΣ ADC)



The ADX family represents SCALINX's advanced continuous-time delta-sigma ADCs, a part of the Signal Conversion IP product lineup. This series includes a range of ADC cores that offer resolutions from 10-bit to 16-bit and bandwidths stretching from 20MHz to 300MHz. Built on SCCORETM technology, these ADCs cater to applications that demand high precision and efficient signal conversion.

The ADC units are designed for portability across various BiCMOS and advanced CMOS processes, with a focus on scalability and customization according to client specifications. The ADX IP cores support rapid integration in ASIC designs, minimizing development time and costs for system-level implementations. With bandwidths reaching up to 300MHz and high effective number of bits (ENOB), these ADCs are ideal for systems requiring robust and reliable signal conversion.

Each model in the ADX family is optimized for specific use cases, from high-speed data acquisition and communication systems to instrumentation and monitoring solutions. These IP cores ensure flexibility and adaptability, making them a key component for next-generation signal processing infrastructures.

  • Silicon Proven
  • Customizable for customer needs
Tech Specs
Category Analog & Mixed Signal > A/D Converter
Foundry TSMC
Process Node 40nm
Availability All Countries & Regions
  • High-speed data acquisition
  • Communication systems
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