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ADAS and Autonomous Driving

From KPIT Technologies


KPIT offers a comprehensive suite of solutions for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving, aimed at facilitating the transition of prototype technologies into production-ready solutions. With expertise in system engineering, KPIT addresses the entire product lifecycle, from the development of system requirements to the functional safety analysis and implementation.
The company's approach to achieving this involves a robust process derived from aerospace engineering, which ensures a safe and efficient system architecture at every level of the functionality. KPIT has leveraged its decades of experience and assembled an extensive engineering team dedicated to ADAS and autonomous driving, offering services from feature development through to software integration.
Collaboration with more than 25 industry-leading OEMs and Tier-1 suppliers has resulted in extensive partnerships, delivering solutions that meet the high standards of ISO, NHTSA, NCAP, and SAE. The company's offerings also encompass end-to-end platform integration, ensuring seamless interoperability between software components to meet the unique demands of each client.
Moreover, KPIT's software development methodologies incorporate advanced techniques such as AI and machine learning, which are pivotal in refining sensor fusion algorithms and localization tasks essential for autonomous vehicle operations.

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Category Interface Controller & PHY > Gen-Z
Availability All Countries & Regions
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